Malayan Insurance

Personal Accident Insurance
Personal Accident insurance or PA insurance is an annual policy which provides compensation in the event of injuries, disability or death caused solely by violent, accidental, external and visible events.
Premium is only P300.00 insured for One (1) Year!

What are the definitions of benefits or coverage?

1. Accidental Death, Permanent Disablement / Dismemberment
Pays the whole principal sum for loss of life in case of supervening death directly and necessarily resulting from one and the same bodily injury for:
- Loss of life within six (6) months from date of accident for short term policy cover.
- Loss of life within twelve (12) months from date of accident for annual policy cover.
2. Burial Assistance (following accidental death)

Provides financial assistance for burial expenses in the event of death due to accident of insured.

Who are eligible to avail the said Personal Accident Insurance?

Customers with 18-64 years of age can avail the said PA insurance. However, insured’s coverage immediately terminates upon expiry of the insurance coverage, or once insured attains the age of 65, should a customer age reaches 65 during policy period, coverage will continue until it reaches expiration date.

Who are eligible to become my beneficiary?

Insured person can nominate his or her preferred beneficiary. But it is always recommended to nominate immediate family members.

Is there any exclusion in claiming said benefits?

The insurance policy shall not cover, and in no claims shall be settled for expense incurred in connection with:
  • Loss caused directly or indirectly, wholly or partly, or occasioned by:
  • Murder & assault or any attempt threat;
  • Bacterial infections, disease or sickness; pregnancy or miscarriage; congenital anomalies or Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS);
  • Suicide or any attempt threat (sane or insane), insanity or alcoholism
  • Terrorism, war, invasion, act of foreign enemy, hostilities or warlike operations (whether war be declared or not), civil war, rebellion, revolution, insurrection, mutiny, military or usurped power, riot, civil commotion, strikes, military or popular rising, or the use of a weapon or instrument employing atomic fission or radioactive force, whether in time of peace or war;
  • Landslide or cave-in or mines, earthquake, tidal waves, typhoons/floods or volcanic eruption;
  • Any bodily injury which shall result in hernia
  • Ionizing radiations or contamination by radioactivity
  • Loss while engaging in hunting, mountaineering, winter sports, ice hockey, football, scuba diving, ice or water skiing, yachting, racing of any kind, steeple chasing, polo playing (PA’s does not include coverage for injuries resulting from any hazardous/professional sports)
  • Loss while participating in a brawl, committing a crime, or making an arrest or a raid as an officer of the law;
  • Loss while under orders for warlike operations or for restoration of public order, while the insured is serving the armed forces of any country or international authority, whether in peace of war
  • While operating, learning to operate or serving as a crew member of an aircraft or vessel;
  • Any of the following persons:
  • Persons who are under the age of eighteen (18) years and over sixty-five (65) years of age or mentally incompetent or physically impaired
  • Acrobats, asylum attendants, aviators, boiler men, detectives, divers, explosive makers, firemen, fishermen, national journalists/news reporters, politicians and other known celebrities/personalities, loggers, miners policemen, sailors, sawmill workers, secret service personnel, woodworking machinists, underground workers and window cleaners, while performing their tasks as such.
  • Documentary Stamp tax is not refundable in case of cancelation of deletion of coverage.
Call or Text Ruel A. Cervantes @ 09176532519
or visit Gnew29 Insurance

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